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Since I was little, I have been in various environments and circles of friends that differed a great deal, not only among themselves, but also how I was perceived in each. In some, I was the thin girl, while the chubby one in others; sometimes the angry, sometimes the shy one. However, one aspect remained constant in all; I was always the girl who loves luxury and elite lifestyle.
I do not have any clue how I managed to give everybody this impression; but IT IS TRUE.

Luxury has been my passion since I was a kid. I can hear some of you saying, “Who doesn’t?! We all love luxury but not all of us can afford it”. I totally disagree. Everybody can afford a little luxury and I am enthused to prove this to you.

When I was growing up, my sister and I were getting same amount of money from our parents; and while I was able to buy an expensive dress and going to a chic restaurant, she always chose to spend her money on several dull shirts that won’t last long, going to movies without skipping her pop corn and Coca Cola treat and investing money on junk food; well, maybe that was her luxury back in the time 🙂

I have had three different jobs, in which I was earning less money than my colleagues. Nevertheless, I was always judged by them that I was spending too much money on a shirt, dress or a fine dinner. Without giving much thought on it, they easily assumed that I had rich parents.

I never understand why so many people tend to believe that they do not deserve luxury, and that it is for people who are really rich. When I observe these people closely; I conclude that they spend much more money than I do on foolish stuff; just like my sister used to do. Of course, if are not earning millions, it is more than rational having to think carefully every time you spend money in order to have your luxuries. Frankly, that is the key. I am not saying that I am eating all my meals in Michelin star restaurants, flying with a private jet or driving around with Porsche. My point is while I am earning average salary, I still can enjoy having so much luxury in my life.

I created this website to share my tips with everyone who do not earn millions, but still think they deserve luxury. As we proceed, you will see that I am able to buy so many fancy stuff, visit many beautiful places, dine in high quality restaurants and taste fancy food and develop abilities to apply these to your own life.

I cannot wait to share my secrets with you and experience you all becoming experts on it. Don’t forget! In order to allow these tips to help you, you first need to believe that you deserve the little luxuries in your life!